Rspamd support for DirectAdmin exim.conf
SpamBlocker (exim.conf) 4.6+
EasySpamFighter 1.17+


Let CustomBuild do it for you.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set eximconf yes
./build set eximconf_release 4.6
./build set blockcracking yes
./build set easy_spam_fighter yes
./build set spamd rspamd
./build set exim yes
./build exim
./build rspamd
./build exim_conf


Binary replacement for SpamAssassin.

As it's compiled into binary code, it should run much faster than SpamAssassin, and use fewer resources.


-- variables.conf
Loaded from:
Used to set the spamd_address, and any other future variables.

-- connect.conf
Loaded from:
Used to set the ACL variable acl_m_rspamd=1 so ESF knows which scanner is in use.

-- check_message.conf
Loaded from:
Does the actual scanning, sets headers, results and other variables for ESF to decide if it's spam or not.